Herbal First Aid
School of Natural Healing Springville Utah https://www.schoolofnaturalhealing.com/
Home Grown Herbalist Buhl ID https://homegrownherbalist.net/
Shepherds Purse, Cayenne, Yarrow tincture or powder
Cough Suppressants
Mullein flower is the strongest but leaf easier to collect
Choke Cherry bark green inner bark
Desert Sage COFFEE
Mullein sedates nerves that cause spasm
Gumweed – relaxing muscles constricting airways
Kyles Story
Plantain = wrap in plantain leaf and tie with plantain leaf veins. Has some allentonin.
Use Comfrey to heal the wound faster. The allantonin makes cells divide faster.
Calendula heals wounds faster and is antibiotic and antiinflammatory.
Yarrow is also antibiotic
Puncture Wounds. DO NOT USE COMFREY
will close wound too soon and you will get an abscess
Chia seed
Plantain – has mild wound healing, it will heal it slowly from inside. Also draws things out of body.
Can add flax seed and Cayenne and it will pull more out of the wound.
Infections: great herb is Calendula – not if pregnant
Echinacia root or flower
Yarrow flower
Gumweed – flower or bud
Garlic :
Muscular Skeletal System
Arnica topically- flower, but any part of plant make liniment using alcohol.
Get jar of flowers, fill with alcohol, sit couple days, strain and rub on aches and pains and bruises
BF&C From Dr. Christophers or amazon. CUT AND SIFTED is my preference
Broken Bones
COMFREY accelerates healing. Aka knitbone
Burns – herbs to pull fluid from burns
Aloe gel inside plant
Purselane- put plant in blender and put it on
Honey/comfrey/wheat germ oil or vitamin E oil
Urinary Tract infection (UTI)
Marshmallow root – kills bacteria, soothes inflammation and swelling
Cranberry or blueberry juice
skin irritation
Slippery Elm bark poultice,
or Chia seeds
onion or garlic juice or mullein flowers.
Grind onion, get juice out of it, squeeze in ear.
open wounds
They tested the use of sugar on 22 patients with sloughy or necrotic wounds. Two of them were infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a superbug known for being resistant to many existing antibiotics. Meanwhile, another seven patients had insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. After applying sugar, the team found that all wounds were clean or debrided after an average of 11.13 days. Meanwhile, blood sugar levels remained stable in the diabetic patients.
The results were attributed to a couple of factors. First, sugar works as a wound dressing because it draws out the fluid from the tissue, which keeps the wound dry and prevents bacteria from spreading. Second, it can promote the growth of new tissue while less painful compared to other wound dressings.
Knutson had since created a salve made of sugar, which he later learned to mix with a mild antibacterial iodine liquid. He used this salve on about 6,000 patients who had all sorts of wounds, such as burns and shotgun wounds. (Related: Prepping tips for the injured or those with chronic illness.)
Most Europeans, however, use sugar alone, and that can work too. Here’s how to use sugar to treat a wound:
- Apply a copious amount of sugar. If it immediately soaks up the fluid in the wound, apply more until there’s some dry sugar on top.
- Apply a non-adherent bandage and secure it in place.
- Change the dressing every other day. It’s best not to wash away or remove the old sugar when changing the dressing as doing so will remove the very delicate tissue forming anew.
- Add more sugar on top for the next dressing.
- Keep doing this until the wound is healed.
When SHTF, you might want to consider adding sugar to your list of bug-out essentials. It’s not just a good alternative – it’s also a wise one. In the aftermath of a disaster, you’d probably be competing with other survivors for typical wound dressing supplies. You could avoid the skirmish and save yourself from trouble by stockpiling on sugar.
Stings, Poison Ivy, Oak, bees, Stinging Nettle
Plantain or Yellow dock. Will grow where plants sting you.
Bug Repellents
grab a handful of aromatic mint is around and spread it on you. Mosquitoes can’t identify you.
Snake and Spider Bites: venom that dissolves tissue… liquefies tissue.
Use equal parts of
Echinacea – inhibits enzyme that breaks down cell walls – mild wound healing
Plantain pulls poison out
Marshmallow – helps the cells grow…
Dandelion root – liver/kidney tonic…will pull toxins out.
Internally and topically
have dry powder and mix w water and put on wound every 3-4 hrs for 2 days and continue for a week at maybe 2-3 times a day.
clean it out.
Make a tea of antibiotic herbs to clean it calendula, echinacea, cleavers
nifty duct tape trick: put on each side of wound and stitch up the tape
Pain – all effect nerves
Fevers – willow or similar, aspen, popular,
wild clamatis… chew leaf. If it doesn’t burn your tongue it is too weak.
Meadowsweet (spiria).
Eye Infections – make tea, and use as eye wash
Silver solution
Sage tea
anything in mint family will help stomach ache. Do NOT TAKE PENNYROYAL if pregnant.
Fennel tea.
Chammomile or mallow, hollyhock, marshmallow…
angelica seeds. – anti spasmodic… guts have a fit and are spasming.
anything in rose family – flower, leaves, chammomile
psyllium – top of the plantain.
Oregon grape. Or Barberry- Increases bile and good for indigestion
cascara sagrada in Dr. Christophers formula. Do not use fresh. Must be dried for a couple years
Tooth Aches
yarrow… yarrow root is next best thing to Novocaine